Tuesday, November 29, 2011


According to the Definitely Filipinos online blog, Tokay Gecko also known as "Tuko" becomes in demand today because of the belief that it can be used as an alternative medicine to cure illnesses, AIDS, tumor and asthma. The market transactions happens in online with both local and foreign sellers/buyers. The price starts at P1000 and it can reach up to 200,000 depending on the weight and age of the Tuko. The heavier the greater the price. Aside from its medication budding, Tokays are also hunted by exotic animals enthusiasts.

Well, this black market of Tokay have advantages and disadvantages for both economy and ecosystem. Every living organism has its function in our ecosystem. According to Wikipedia, ecosystem includes all organisms in a given area interacting with the physical environment so that a flow of energy leads to clearly defined trophic structure, biotic diversity and material cycles. Thus the loss of one cause imbalance in the ecosystem. On the other hand, for those people who sells Tokay, this is a great opportunity for them to earn. Since it is illegal it will increase unemployment and decrease income from taxation. But on the other side, since most of the buyer are foreigners who are personally involve with this market, they will intentionally visit  the Philippines to have personal negotiation. With this, hotels, airlines, resorts, malls and restaurants will also earn.

It is better to wait for the conformity of healing substance of the Tuko before creating this illegal markets. If this medicine will be proven and tested, government should impose a legal market for Tokays. We should balance preservation and earning for a better ecosystem and economy. Everybody  should be responsible of doing things that is both beneficial to every individual.

For better result, government must impose rules and regulation about this Tuko market. They must disseminate right information on how to prevent extinction and the importance of preservation. As a human being, we are responsible of knowing the worth of every living organism. It is our responsibility to protect and save both animals and plants before it will become endangered .We should participate and be involve in programs and organizations to save our Tuko.